Full moon yin yoga sequence
Full moon yin yoga sequence

full moon yin yoga sequence

#Full moon yin yoga sequence full

The energy of the Full Moon relates to the force of prana, the end of the inhalation, characterised by a feeling of fullness, upward-moving energy and expansiveness. This is why traditional yogis honour the auspiciousness of sunrise (performing sun salutations) and sunset (saluting the moon) for practising yoga. The aim of hatha yoga is to achieve balance between the solar and lunar energies, between activity and receptivity. The energy of the sun never fades, whereas the moon fades every month and again from fading comes to fullness.” Masculine has a feminine polarity, with shakti female energy ruled by the Moon (associated with love, compassion and creativity) and shiva male energy governed by the sun.īKS Iyengar further elaborated in his book The Tree of Yoga, “ Ha means sun, which is the sun of your body, that is to say your soul, and tha means moon, which is your consciousness. Hatha yoga recognises that every yang quality has its yin counterpart. When balanced, this energy has nurturing qualities and cools “fiery” behaviours and heightened emotions, manifesting in stability, sensuality, grounding and creativity. This dosha carries the qualities of heaviness, coolness, density and slowness, which you may notice reappearing in your mind and body during the Full Moon. The body is also influenced on a physical, mental and emotional level by the five elements.Īccording to Ayurveda, the energy of the Full Moon is closely connected to kapha dosha (earth and water elements, responsible for moisture, stability and structure in your body). The system of Ayurveda has three energies ( doshas) that govern physiological activity in the body they are known as vata, pitta and kapha. Incorporate them into your evening practice on the days of Full Moon as well as any time when you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, overstimulated or overheated. Moon salutations are highly soothing and cooling in their nature. This is practised by aligning with its natural rhythms, adapting seasonal diets, adjusting to the cycles of the sun by modifying eating and sleeping patterns (eg waking up at sunrise) and allowing time for rest, reflection, meditation, ceremony and self-care in the dark hours). Influence of the Full Moon: Ayurveda & yogaĪyurveda (the healing system of India and sister science of yoga) observes the healing forces of the universe and has a deep connection with its cycles. This article honours the Full Moon and offers practices to align with its energy, enhance your connection to the lunar cycle, release tension and restore yourself, leaving you feeling grounded, rejuvenated and fulfilled. It denotes an abundance of acquired goodness, heightened energy, receptivity and strength, but this fullness can also manifest in the overflow of emotions, erratic behaviour and overheated conversations, bringing with them physical and emotional tension. “Full” is the term describing the moon as it reflects light from the sun. It also calls for reflection and gratitude for the abundance in your life. With its pull, it changes the tides of the ocean, signifying fulfilment and completion. For Onefit / ClassPass card members we have very limited spots available.Have you ever been mesmerised by a Full Moon in the sky as it exudes beautiful, cooling light? What are the forces that draw you in? Going a little deeper, are you aware of the influences the moon has on your physiology, energetic body and mind?Ī Full Moon occurs when the sun and moon are opposite from each other, gravitationally influencing the earth.

full moon yin yoga sequence

Price: €15.50 // Available with your 10-ride pass, 5-ride pass and New Member Introduction Card. Location: The Conscious Club - Zeeburgerpad 8, Amsterdam » Tuesday the 7th of December // Acu Yin Yoga » Tuesday the 2nd of November // Acu Yin Yoga » Tuesday the 5th of October // Acu Yin Yoga » Tuesday the 7th of September // Acu Yin Yoga » Tuesday the 3rd of August // Acu Yin Yoga Participants are invited to come 10 minutes before the class starts to be shown the correct acupressure points that will be used during the session. During the class, we will create a balance of emotions and a feeling of overall well being. The practice helps release energy flow into meridians and nourishes the organs in all body systems. When we use Yin and Acupressure together we enhance their effect. With acupressure, we manipulate the body through the stimulation of meridian points on limbs, the torso, and the head.

full moon yin yoga sequence

It increases body awareness and the use of breath as support through the overall process. Yoga and in particular Yin Yoga with its long-held poses is an effective way to stretch meridians.

Full moon yin yoga sequence